Monday, June 08, 2009

Poltroons of the Parliament of Opprobrium,

‘If the News Makes you sad, Don’t Watch’ it is a title attributed by Broken Records to one of their songs. Lately, I feel this is appropriate. Every headline concerns Gordon Brown and the bad job he is apparently doing. It’s saddening; I feel he must be inhibited in trying to implement policy if his immediate concerns are dealing with incessant questions regarding his position.

It is a cowardly act to call for Gordon to resign without putting yourself forward to replace him. No good can come of such dissent. Gordon’s strength in face of such criticism has to be commended but I suppose he will eventually have to yield in what would be no more than a PR move.

What Labour MPs ought to be doing is defining themselves. They have to convey the core values of the Labour party. They have to mark clear boundaries between their policies and how they aim to achieve them and those of the Conservatives. They have to go back to their roots; they have to tell us about their history and their successes. It’s not too late, but it would rely upon every MP and potential candidate to pull in the same direction. In the Alternative Land Use Party, all the candidates will stand for what they believe in - the party’s ideals. The cult of celebrity, and the notion of leadership will be obsolete. The Labour party should adopt a similar tactic.


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