Saturday, April 15, 2006

Deterrents of Filibustering Oenophiles,

Climate change and global warming was subject of the news bulletins yesterday. The government's chief scientist chose yesterday to warned of a 3C temperature rise over the next 100 years. These warnings are becoming standard and I don't believe anyone really takes much notice. In fact, the chief scientist should have issued a really outrageous statement to scare everyone. Scientists probably cannot predict exactly what may happen or estimate the timescales on which these events will occur. There are many contrasting theories; when people talk of global warming, I always dread being cold because of what I've read or watched and deemed the most credible result. With the rising temperature, the ice at the poles would melt, aside from the rising water levels and flooding of low-lying lands, the other major result of this is the freshening of the oceans - the input of meltwater reduces the overall salinity of the oceans. Ocean currents control the climate of the planet, they are responsible for redistributing warmth supplied to the equatorial regions from the Sun to the higher latitudes. These ocean currents are driven by differences in density, which is dependent on salinity - with a decline in salinity of the oceans, these currents would cease and higher latitudes would become much colder. I'm not ready for an Ice Age.
Climate change is an interesting subject, thankfully, aspects of the topic have been covered in many of the courses I've studied. My preparation for exams continues, yesterday, I could not tolerate the boredom of my bedroom any longer, also events around the house are distracting; the War of Information seems to be being fought on other fronts, thus my side can relax for a while. As a result, I decided to take my books out with me in the car and find somewhere to read in peace, I was recommended to go to the top of the Dangerfield Road, where there is a small carpark. The Dangerfield Road is a steep road that leads north from Leven, and joins onto roads that go towards Cupar and eventually Dundee. It was a wonderful spot, with an epic panorama of the Firth of Forth, Largo Law and the surrounding farmland, which was enhanced by the fine day.
I managed a couple of hours worth of good reading before the groans and grunts of lorries struggling with the gradient grew bothersome. I drove to a place called Birnie Loch, near Ladybank, it is a place I used to visit frequently many years ago with my parents. Essentially, Birnie Loch is a disused quarry that has been allowed to fill with water and donated to the people of Fife as a nature reserve. Having not been to the place for many years, I found it quite desolate, there were no other people. It appeared that the reserve was less well-maintained; footpaths had fallen into disrepair and access to the site was difficult. I was scared of wandering into the territory of swans because footpaths seemed to disappear for stretches. Maybe it was the time of year, with leaves still to grow and summer wildlife visitors still to arrive but the place felt gloomy. I had a quick walk around the loch; there were a few ducks and swans on the water and buzzards circled overhead. I returned home for more stude-ing in my room before football in the evening. I probably played the best game of football since I started playing again after my ankle injury, which was many months ago. I've often struggled to keep up with the pace of the games or failed to get into the habit of playing sensibly, notably, I had a bottle of lucozade and many cups of coffee and tea that day before playing.
Today has consisted mainly of more revision. I curtailed the reading in order to lishen to Rocket Science. The marvellous Jeffrey and Jack Lewis played live in the studio today, they played my favourite song "Moving" and also included an excellent interpretation of Pink Floyd's "Arnold Layne" in their 4 song set. I'd love to see them play live in Scotland, they are due to play in Glasgow this week in support slot for Adam Green, however, I cannot justify trekking across to the other side of the country for a 30-minute support slot of an artist I have mixed feelings about. Adam Green has some wonderful songs but some of his work is crude and sickening. I have one of his albums but it is 6th from bottom on a very tall pile.
East Fife achieved a 1-1 draw against Berwick Rangers, this will be considered a good result but it is meaningless. I have not yet decided whether to go to the Celtic match tomorrow, they will be presented with the SPL trophy after the game but that is of little significance to me now. I feel they should present a team with the trophy as soon as they win the league, waiting a few weeks and then having a ceremony on an arbitrary day perhaps demeans its existance slightly. Whilst I checked the East Fife result online, I was guided to this link, it's quite funny but I didn't think it was something for the townsfolk to be proud of, we're already blacklisted by that Proclaimers song, however, I soon realised it was part of a larger Scottish Wikipedia, thus my shame is national and not local, all the blank pages take this form, I doubt the Methil page will stay blank for long, a "Down With Brown" protester will likely write something scathing soon. I don't think I can pass comment on Scottish Wikipedia as a whole, I appreciate that someone has lovingly taken the time to construct this, but I don't think I'm grateful for its existence.


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