Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Somnanbulists Concerned with Somersaults,

I keep finding ways in which the equipment that I have at my disposal is limited. At one of the only two departments in the country that have the celebrated grade 5 rating, it's unacceptable. Some first year undergraduates were telling me last week how they were shocked at the outdated status of the apparatus at such an esteemed institution. All this week, we've had problems trying to install a type of video camera onto our apparatus, we had to order parts to comply with Windows 95, a floppy disk drive and a dying computer and we still can't get it to work.

The Canadian called up this evening. Instinctively, I stonewalled him. I don't enjoy being mean but it was my natural reaction to the situation. He disturbed me whilst I was working, he then went on to dispute what I told him, before beginning to speak about inconsequential rubbish. Of course, during his stay, The Canadian could have learned how to be a better person from me, but he chose not to.


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