Monday, January 01, 2007

New Yearists of an Untoward Disposition,

It won’t surprise the regular readers if I told them that I didn’t like New Year’s Eve. It’s another one of those events where people are expected to conform to some protocol. And there’s alcohol.

People end up reviewing what happened in the year just ending or ended. It never makes me feel better.

I tried to think about 2006. I saw Belle & Sebastian twice. I locked myself away for weeks to create a monster report. I locked myself away for weeks to study for exams. I grudguated. There was a summer. I began researching socialism in a dilletantish manner. I started studying in St Andrews. My dog died. The Canadian. A Christmas that wasn’t a patch on the Christmas when I discovered Jean Michel Jarre on Christmas Eve.

I’d like to welcome Romania and Bulgaria to the EU and wish them better success than I.


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