Friday, November 09, 2007

Pedal Pushing Vigilantes,

Fuel prices have been high for years now but there is an idiosyncratic cycle of public awareness of this. There is outrage, nothing happens and then there is acceptance, then suddenly there is outrage before acceptance. Occasionally, the supermarkets instigate a price war and drop their costs by a penny or two.

I used to think that fuel prices should be high in order to encourage people to stop burning hydrocarbons for the sake of the environment. Now, I know that that’s not the case. The government are taking the money because they can and because it won’t come from anywhere else.

Radio Scotland is a top radio station. I like listening to Morning Extra, it’s a phone-in show featuring duffers ranting. The host, Gary Robertson, does really well to cope with the ill-thought out diatribe every morning. The duffers don’t speak in sentences and usually just utter words, “taxes…yobs…dirt…government”. I find it quite amusing. Yesterday’s topic for discussion was fuel prices, I got taken in. I began to drive slower and I parked further from my workplace to conserve fuel. I am too easily influenced.

Anyway, the solution to the environmental damage caused by emissions, the financial cost of running a car and CRIME is to walk more. People need to begin walking more, they need to take back the streets from the neds. More people on the streets, and not driving by in their cars, will eventually lead to a situation of self-policing. Of course, a concerted effort would be required and I don’t suppose many of the fat slobs, who would undoubtedly be really effective against the neds, will be joining me soon.


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