Monday, February 18, 2008

Bearers of the Nocturnal Lost,

A badger lay dead at the side of the road, bloody and never to return to its friends at the set. Those friends will notice the absence. I was just a man in a car.

Miles away, a cafe manageress awkwardly tried to arrange the funeral of man she never knew. The man left no one behind and thus it fell to the manager who made him a cup of tea on a daily basis to deal with an absence that will be felt by nearly no one. I am just going to be a man in a car.

I was about to discuss the two extremes with someone, beforehand, I asked them how things were; they were just about to leave for a funeral. I was glad that I did not get around to talking about the badger. I understand that comparing a badger to a human could offend some people.


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