Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Placid Gurglers on the Doorstep of the Crows,

Too much stuff: Christmas and spending in the subsequent days forces an unwanted purge. Rooting through it all makes me realise how lucky I am to own stuff at all.

It’s all so unnecessary; I own loads of clothes yet live in only a small rotation of them. I think I will try to wear more of them. Many people would say “try and wear more of them” but not me, I use the verb ‘to try’ properly.

I split off some of the old clothes for rags. Some, I have packed into backs to take to the Clothes Bank. I will save a few garments to take onto the Antique’s Road Show when it visits the Kingdom of Fife; of course, by then, it might be called ‘Fiona Bruce’s Antiques Road Show’. These days, there’s more of Fiona than there is of the antiques, soon, there will be no antiques at all and it’ll just be ‘The Fiona Show’. Then what will people shout prices at on Sunday evenings?

I shouldn’t know much about 'The Roadshow', as we veterans call it, but I do, and to save my somewhat limited credibility, I’ll say that it’s on whilst I do my marking. Luckily none of my flock have complained about receiving £80 out of 20 on their reports.


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