Coaches of Introvertive Nursing,
The people in the crossfire are the ones that deserve sympathy.
Arguments are so energetic and efforts of disagreement, yet they can be created by two tired parties. They could be more tolerant and patient, they could try to understand, they should not read too much into accidents. The tension was created by disappointment over a present which didn't arrive. People argue and leave an atmosphere in which the rest of us have to survive. I dived in front of my brother, who had too much Irn-Bru, and saved him from walking into it.
Christmas begun with the hangover of the previous evening. My invitation to partake arrived. Ten years ago, I would have sniped back and joined the arguments. Five years ago, I would have said, 'I'm not interested in arguing.' which was as good as arguing. Now, I left it unanswered.
Adversity can unite people, and here, the infighting ended. My brother found his car had been vandalised in what I presume was a pre-meditated and deliberate attack upon a misidentified target. Wheels stabbed, a tin of paint emptied carefully over its body - this was no random attack. I'd be devastated on a normal day, but although I don't care for Christmas, I knew he was excited and had plans, so I was as sickened as I could be. I wouldn't want such an incident to happen to me and really, he's just the same as me, I guess with innocence, naivety and kindness in place of my acidity.
I didn't help much in the clean-up. I felt like going for a walk. There are perhaps two places for a decent stroll and because the braes are near where I dropped him off at his friends, I headed there. I saw a large black animal as I parked up, had I just made another 'big cat' sighting? As I headed for the coastal path along the top of the sea braes, a huge dog appeared, it had no owner and started following me, from a distance, hiding in the bushes. The dog grew closer. I just wanted peace, I didn't want to be hunted. I went back to the car and went down to the river walk. When being followed, always think of a loop to reach the intended destination that the hunter won't understand or see.
There was little to see by the river, crunching footsteps deterred the birds. A fieldfare, a redwing, some great tits, a reed bunting, three buzzards, a couple of greenfinch and a flock of goldfinch were the ornithological delights I saw before scattering.
The day settled. The police visited later for a statement and that feeling of sickness returned as it did everytime we discussed what happened. I can't cope with Christmas in general, receiving gifts is awkward and can be shameful, but now, we have a new memory - one that has perhaps taught me that what we do is better.